Discover the images below depicting various pollution incidents and their outcomes. Please note that these represent just a selection of incidents within our knowledge.

Olympic Park, May 2020: Initially tied to a sewer blockage from a local restaurant, this incident prompted a swift report and Thames Water investigation, leading to a successful clean up. However, this overflow has occurred 38 times in 2022, 60 times in 2021, and 58 times in 2020. With the average annual overflows exceeding 40 in the past three years, an investigation should be underway. For more details on the ongoing actions, submit a formal complaint to Thames Water here.

Wealdstone Brook, Brent. Ongoing. This drain is only meant to flow when it rains as it takes rain from roofs and roads. It smells very strongly of sewage (ammonia/nappies). The white substance is sewage fungus. These are feathery fronds of bacteria that feed on the nutrients in pollution. Properties have illegally connected toilets to this drain. It could be several homes, or one larger property (in London we’ve seen a Care Home, a school and block of flats). A lack of investment in prevention by the authorities means this problem on the Wealdstone Brook keeps coming back. We need greater effort

River Ravensbourne, Harrow Lodge Park, Hornchurch. This is another case of misconnections. We put pressure on Thames Water to increase the action they were taking. Investigations found several properties that had illegally connected waste pipes to the surface water drains. In addition a sewer main was overflowing when it rained. Our efforts saw Thames Water discover a lack of maintenance meant 25% of the pipe was blocked by grit. We have to monitor Thames Water to ensure it’s doing enough to prevent the problem recurring.

The poor old Wealdstone Brook again, in Woodcock Park, Brent. Local people had been complaining for many years about the pollution of their river. The photo shows a fatty scum on the surface. Investigations discovered a number of misconnected properties. There is also a problem with raw sewage getting into the surface water system when blockages form.

Pymmes Brook. Pollution from an industrial estate in Edmonton. The source of this pollution was not found. Sadly, the number of investigations of industrial sites by the Enviroment Agency has reduced in recent years. Producers of hazardous waste no longer have to register their sites.

The Moselle, Lordship Recreation Ground, Haringey. Sewage fungus coats the plants in the river. London Waterkeeper put pressure on the Council to reduce the backlog of enforcement cases that had built up. It had the highest number of misconnections in the Thames Region. It was discovered that in addition to homes, the toilets of an entire school were flushing to the Moselle. Thames Water did a great job of tracking down offenders, the Council just needed to act.